October 22, 2015

In the colours of your rainbow,
I lost the colours of my being.
In the shifting sands of your time,
I lost grains I had picked up.

When you flow by my side,
I erode, and become one with you.
The silence of my existence,
Lost in the cacophony of motion.

With me you play hide-and-seek
And yet guide me when I'm lost.
Your stillness is like a deep mirror
Taking me to my forgotten past.

You're always there, and yet never.
When you I seek, you disappear.
I waited for union with you, but
Only to realise we never parted.

June 27, 2015

The dust raised by the falling tree 
Once had me blinded, helpless 
My cries were buried by the noise 
Of the earth shaking under its weight. 

Today, it feels like a burden has lifted 
And my soul, once again, takes flight
Into hopes that seemed impossible 
Into dreams that once seemed dead. 

There is still remorse, of course, 
This moment has passed into oblivion. 
But my being feels re-assured that
This heart hasn't lost the ability to feel.

Love is pain, and pain is love,
And love is also the light of day. 
And therefore i must live it, love it, 
For as long as in this world I'll stay.

May 17, 2015

I am your reflection, in the waters of time.
Every part of me shaped by what we were.
A slave of the past, of your memories,
Perhaps chained forever by your reflection?

Your reflection infinite like the sky
It expands, and I forever expand with it.
From hell to heaven, ocean to sun,
The entire creation is in its play.

And therefore you have set me free,
From the bondage of my mortality.
Today my back faces you, my love
I am, however, only your reflection.

January 26, 2015

Where do these streets take me? 
Once brimming with hope, 
They now brood. 
Once running into the future, 
They now look back. 
Into the darkest corners of me
Into what I don't want to see 
Into who I don't want to be. 

These streets might consume me. 
Once harbinger of change,
Now more of the same. 
Once a glorious new dream, 
Now a sleepless night. 
A night of painful introspection. 
A night of solitary confinement. 
A night of desperation. 

But I wait, now, patiently, 
For an absolution that always came. 
I wait for change to being me out. 
But there lurks a fear deep within 
What if it doesn't arrive this time?