August 31, 2011

What power surrounds an empty bow!
What applaud greets the hollow words!
However, the goal of word is the action,
The elusive conclusion we run towards.

The action needs the grit and determination
The word needs just sorcery with alphabets.
The delusional castle of words we might put up
Would one day fall due to truth's trumpets.

August 30, 2011

He charged at the heart's closed door,
Shut hard by the times of pain gone by.
But the door that hid the pain inside,
Refused to open as hard as he'd try.

For the pain was full; still overflowing,
Like an endless river of dense sorrow.
And the person now knocking at the gate
Was the one who left behind life so hollow.
The simple life in a pure, limitless expanse
The words of anger and despair left far behind.
The serene water flows on the grassy greens,
And the chirrup of the bird soothes the mind.

Into such a world, o Lord, let me awake,
Far from the maddening crowds of the day.
Where my mind could rest in everlasting peace,
And hearts of people won't have shades of gray.

August 29, 2011

The fire that lights up the night so dark,
The fire that glows with toil and passion,
At its very center burns up the fuel it eats,
And leaves its core devoid of compassion.

The fire of passion is hard to handle,
Lest it burns the one who summons it.
Thus, to sit down and not take a stand,
Often is the best possible gambit.

August 23, 2011

Time flew like a tornado past the house,
Disarticulating the serene house's charms.
Like a poor neighbour she was disrobed,
Leaving behind a scarred and barren farm.

Some started a race they eventually lost,
While others gave up before the start.
The winds of time move unrelentingly past,
To stand up to it, few have the heart.

August 18, 2011

A dam can block the peaceful flow of a river
It can hold back, disrupt and torment.
But the river comes back with mighty flow,
All its frustrations on the dam it vents.

The dam, God permit, one day shall break
And the river will flow with ever greater force.
Such are the numerous obstacles we face in life,
With perseverance ends the journey's every strife.

August 7, 2011

A broken heart that love left behind,
Rarely would it have been so kind,
To forget and to move on with life,
To not spend nights in emotional strife.

The world didn't see the tears that came,
Not 'moving on' was often seen with disdain.
Deep inside the surface so calm and gay,
The pain forever would remain the same.

August 6, 2011

The two birds flew together, hand-in-hand
Into an evergreen future of limitless expanse,
Of starry nights and days like heaven.
Far away, into the lap of joy's eternal dance.

Never mind the broken hearts they left behind,
Never mind the emotionless beings they put in place.
And that to those who loved them, they were cruel
And that a broken heart can never stand up with grace.