October 10, 2014

Welcome home, my long lost friend.
It feels awkward, this reunion.
I had forgotten your touch, your feel.
And yet something intense now burns within.
The haunting memory of the past, perhaps?
Of how we fell from grace, together
And how our ways parted since,
Till I had almost forgotten that you existed.
But now you stand here before me,
A grim reminder of my follies,
And I do not know what to do,
How to lessen this heartburn you cause.
I cannot let you enter my house,
Lest it ignite this delicate balance,
I must confront you, ask you to leave
Because this moment is too precious to miss.
I like it here, this new start
For the blood of the past
No longer colours my present.
A fresh paint adorns the walls.
I like it here, this new day
For there is a new sun, a new breeze
The dreams of the future rest in peace
While the present dances to a new tune.
I like it here, this strange place
Because it evokes no feeling,
Neither intense love nor brooding hatred,
It feels like a new canvas; a new life.
The relentless sea on my land
Washing every trace of change.
Every mound I had built,
Systematically obliterated.
I return to that primeval state,
Where nothing exists, nothing will.
Where things remain the same,
Where change is unheard of.
I return to that nothingness,
My partner of ages before.
the fuel to the fire of my life,
This emptiness I now return to.
Every mountain isn't yours to climb,
Every emotion not yours to be felt,
Every dream not yours to be lived,
Every love not yours to be enjoyed.
This little world of yours, my friend
That is all you take from this here.
The paraphernalia you will leave behind,
Maybe for another weary traveller to rejoice.
These moist eyes will soon dry up,
This melancholy song will cease too.
This love will die an uninteresting death,
The embers will burn bright before fading away.