September 23, 2013

The fear of ambiguity, the fear of the unknown
Eating away at the roots, leaves the heart rotting.
Like an impending death sentence, it crawls
Stealthily, constantly; seeps into the blood.

September 18, 2013

There is finally a weariness, a slump
The vision is blurred, is distorted.
The feet have lost their vigour, their drive.
The eyes have lost their shine, their hope.

There is now a darkness, a sadness
The flame of life is extinguished, is exhausted.
The face has lost its innocence, its smile.
The hands have lost their power, their stride.

I seek you, more than I have ever before
To come and rejuvenate me, save me.
These cold steel chains grasp me, enslave me
I want you to look me in the eye, into my soul.