March 31, 2012

This erupting blood is on you, my friend.
As much as I can cry to make amends.
This broken heart doesn't heed reason
Of rationality this is the greatest treason.

But look not here, I urge your judgement
Infinite pain is this story's only ending.
On the path of blood and toil I walk now
For this my determination is unbending.

March 30, 2012

My little hut burns silently in the night.
Engulfed by flames that tower above.
Those who could help now stand away
And look at this desecration of love.

Of unending pain, this pill I will swallow.
So that you can carry on that smile.
Left, right or center doesn't quite matter
So you can stay away from this fire by a mile.

March 29, 2012

No room for the words that ring hollow
No space for the promises so shallow.
Dimensions of the pain, always unknown
Grew continually with me as I have grown.

If only the heart would sit and think
Maybe the pain would pass in a blink.
But the pained heart, forever restless
Is getting used to this drab emptiness.

March 28, 2012

In doing this, however, you are not alone
'Lovers' who came before had a heart of stone.
The castles of success that they now build,
Will one day vanish at the first gaze of wind.

Now, don't say that I count and show.
Because even on life's path as you grow
Remember my blood that oozed everyday
And lies ahead of you on your new way.

March 24, 2012

Your new beginnings, they come they go.
Like a childish river in eternal flow.
Of the recent past a long story I had.
Won't tell all, so you could be glad.

Never knew you felt so suppressed.
Your not telling, now leaves me depressed.
I refuse too, to wash the dirty laundry stack
I don't just move on, I still watch your back.

March 12, 2012

The velvet gloves are now removed,
Unforgiving hell's fury back in full force.
The venom, long forgotten and discarded
Now flows blue along the veins' course.

Every hardship will now be destroyed
Every friendship put to a steely test.
On this untested path of fiery revenge
He is ready to walk alone from the rest.

March 11, 2012

The dark, thundering clouds gather again,
Over the ravaged country that slowly heals.
The tentative green covering the ruins past
Having not recovered, in reverence it kneels.

The ghosts of battles past, both won and lost
Ravage the war-scarred barren countryside.
Men have come and men have withered away
The struggle stays; over men's minds it presides.

March 7, 2012

This dogged silence is still tentatively balanced
Between the realms of solitude and loneliness.
Its quietude is still not a silent roar of a mind
Inching towards a forlorn man's helplessness.

But it is at such times, the noise beeped out
That his true self tends to show itself to man.
When tectonic shifts change a man's conscience
When he becomes a victor from an also-ran.