December 30, 2011

The doors of hope are open once more,
Sunshine obliterating the darkness again.
The wounds of the past have not been lost
But became a forgotten tune I once sang.

Like the phoenix from the proverbial ashes
I know this time I will not rise to fall again.
I know the deeds of the past will be paid,
And the evil eye will surely boomerang.

December 28, 2011

Your sudden silence pierces my heart
Like a cold, double-headed arrow.
When words halt before they're said
I drown in my chalice of sorrow.

Like a beggar for whom the houses
On the sides of the road are closed.
Only your voice a hope arouses,
Otherwise, in life a gloom is imposed.

December 27, 2011

I saw the leader of the new world
Run ahead in his sparkling robes.
Multitudes of people behind him
To his bastion he royally strode.

For once, I wanted to follow the king
The new leader of people's delusions.
But in my heart, I'll always want to be
The pall-bearer of ephemeral illusions.

December 26, 2011

I wish the reins of my mind so fickle
Were placed firmly in my hands' grasp.
I wish the roller-coaster of emotions
Would cease when the reins I clasp.

My body breaks at every new challenge
Now that many storms I've seen die.
No more, no more - it cries out loud
Hopes of a breakthrough say goodbye.

December 25, 2011

Your love makes me feel secure,
Like a blanket on a freezing night.
It gives me hope for every new day
After a long tunnel, the bright sunlight.

It brings my scattered life together
Like the magnet brings the sharp nails.
With you by my side, today and forever
I know this love is the one that never fails.

December 24, 2011

There's a drop of hope on the table.
Only a drop, minute and serene.
The harsh winds scratch its surface;
Keeping it together is the hope sanguine.

The eternal fight of hope and doom
Being fought on the surface of the drop.
Even by slight slip of bond of faith
The juggernaut of hope will stop.

December 23, 2011

The fears that had once bedeviled my mind
The fears that I thought I had finally overcome.
Today, they stare me in the face again,
Forcing me, my past self, again to become.

I then had the gusto of the rebel for my aid
The stamina of the uninitiated by my side.
But today I feel exhausted by the days past
From this fear, I shiver and seek to hide.