This silence makes me hear
The blood flowing in my veins,
The air, in and out of my lungs,
Even the motion of my hands.
On one hand, I feel trepidation.
Fear of not having anyone around.
Fear of passing days in solitude,
Fear of letting things die within.
And then I think, what is this for?
Were people mere distractions?
Was this a stage; a hobby to kill time?
Why do I fear being with myself?
I have no answers as I think today.
One day, perhaps, I shall have them.
I want to live life free of fears,
To be alone is the biggest of them.
The blood flowing in my veins,
The air, in and out of my lungs,
Even the motion of my hands.
On one hand, I feel trepidation.
Fear of not having anyone around.
Fear of passing days in solitude,
Fear of letting things die within.
And then I think, what is this for?
Were people mere distractions?
Was this a stage; a hobby to kill time?
Why do I fear being with myself?
I have no answers as I think today.
One day, perhaps, I shall have them.
I want to live life free of fears,
To be alone is the biggest of them.